(in date order as a historical record of concerts in 2010 - scroll down to find upcoming & future concert dates and programmes)
Sunday, 3:00pm 21st March 2010 | Town Hall, Northam |
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Comments: Our first concert in Northam was fun to play although the audience was only about 60 people. Never the less we raised $1,212 for the Toodyay Bushfire Appeal, and orchestra members had a wonderful time.
Sunday, 3:00pm 16th May 2010 | Rhein Donau Club |
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Comments: Another fantastic concert at the RDC. The members there are so appreciative of the orchestra and always turn out for a concert. It helps to have the restuarant and bar open making for a fun Sunday afternoon. The audience would have been about 130 people. It was our final concert before going overseas on our tour of France and Germany.
Saturday , 9:00pm 14th August 2010 | Rhein Donau Club Social Night |
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Saturday , 9:00pm 17th October 2010 | Rhein Donau Club |
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Saturday, 8:00pm 27th November 2010 | Calloway Auditorium, University of WA |
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Comments: A very successful concert enjoyed by players and audience to a near full house. Marissa added her usual charm and prescence and displayed great skill on the mandolin. She has just completed 1st year in music at University of Queensland.